Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baked Tortilla Chips

I talked about salsa in the last post, so obviously I had to make a note on tortilla chips. Chris and I haven't bought a bag of tortilla chips in years, not since we figured out how to make our own that are 1) cheaper and 2) healthier!

The ingredients are simple:

-corn tortillas (I use Mission brand, Extra Thin)
-cooking spray

That's it. And the process is equally simple:

Preheat oven to 400. Cut your tortillas into triangles (I like to use a pizza cutter for this). Of course, how many times you divide them depends on how big you want your chips to be. I always cut into eight chips each because I like to spread things out more. Getting 8 chips per serving seems a lot more fun than getting 6.

Give them a quick once-over with cooking spray and then lightly salt. 

Spread your chips onto a baking sheet. Be sure to tessellate!! We're going for maximum chip yield per batch!

Bake. It usually takes mine 6-8 minutes or so, but DO NOT set a timer and walk away. Watch them like a hawk. When the edges on all your chips are slightly browned, they should be done. They will continue to crisp a little after you pull them from the oven. I can't stress enough to be careful because they will go from getting close to done to blackened charcoal very quickly.

Enjoy! These save well sealed in a plastic bag at room temperature.

With the type of tortilla I use, the value works out to be 1 P+  per tortilla, but be sure to check nutrition facts on your tortillas.


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